Meet Mecca Trail Team

Iris Bezuijen
Chair Person
Traveling on foot or by bike will bring you closer to the land and the people were you will visit. It has teaches me more than I could have ever learned by other means. The experiences stay with me and they accompanies me in daily life. Making ways, being on my way and finding joy in all these steps is our lifetime work.
Were the hearts meet we make ways

Sedat Çakır
Route Maker
Love to make routes in different countries and regions. I am now on my way to Mecca Inshallah. Together with you we will make a long and unforgettable journey to Mecca. Maybe our journey will (not) be in person but definitely within reach of our hearts.
Pray an Al-Fatiha for our sake when you read this and maybe also when you are on your way to Mecca, mentally of physically.

Mariska Weijerman
Route Pioneer
I love living and working in different countries to get to know the local customs. I have lived in 12 countries on three continents and now live in Saudi Arabia, my first Middle Eastern experience. I find that the best way to get to know the people and the country is by walking their paths, eating their food and trying to speak their language. I look forward to pioneering the routes that lead to Mecca and traverse this fast and diverse country.

Natalia Mihai
Mecca Trail Field Operations Manager
One of a kind shooting star. A fast, smiling thru hiker. The faith is taken to an whole different leven by our Field Operations Manager. She crossed Jordan, hiked most of the Mecca Trail in Türkiye and will most probably be somewhere you never expect her to be.
We love admire and respect her devotion to the small time we have to walk on earth and may o may she does. We couldn’t have whised for a better Field Operations Manager. Get’s the job done, with an astonishing deep sence of Faith and always with God know never ending energy. Get ready to find her little marks on your own path to Mecca.

Mehmet kahraman
Mecca Trail pioneer
Mecca Trail is developed and recorded by our team member Mehmet Kahraman. He is the best to have in your team with dogs on the road. He befriends all the dogs, knows all the ins and outs from the road to Mecca and is a great GoPro recording of our adventures on the bycicle.
Mehmet knows how to keep the team happy, we love to have him on board and look forward to develop the Mecca Trail together with Mehmet.

Odile Keulers
Mecca Trail pioneer
Mecca Trail is been marked by the support of our heavy dutty carrier Odile Keulers. She is a pensioner and knows about hiking and cycling from a lifetime experience.
She is a strong lady has supported the early road development and is an excellent sticker and marking voluntair.
Odile is athletic and knows more about culture then most of us.

Burhanettin Carlak
Mecca Trail Media and communucation Manager
The man that makes our work known, spreads the news and manages the most intressting connections all over the trails. Already part of the team since Rumi Trail where we got introduced to the people from all walks of life.
The best weekend was with mum and dad Carlak! For many people Burhanettin Carlak is an important man. The so called bridge maker between seemingly other worlds. We are proud to know Burhanettin Carlak and had the privilidge to stay with mum , dad and the imam. It’s all about family and the love you can spread in one lifetime.

Hester Koning
Mecca Trail Consultant on tourism & sustainability
Cheerful and clever, often somewhere in the Middle East. Our lady from afar with experience in the region. Hester is our magic lady, like a star from Bethlehem she came shining on our hiking routes.
She is well connected in the travel industry and with her experience we share the love for the culture, people and route to Mecca. If you like to know more about any given subject Hester is the lady to lighten your day.
Are you interested in tourism & sustainability in the Middle East and North Africa region make sure you get a chance to meet Hester for a Mecca Trail chat.

Johan van Den Berg
Mecca Trail Türkiye developer
Developing a route is not simple. It’s a complex set of skills often given to a few lucky ones. Johan van Den Berg is like a little ligth paving a way for the hikers to reinstate the hiking routes towards Mecca and Jerusalem. Together with Marcel Schuurmans they hiked the Mecca Trail in Türkiye.
His experience from all walks of life is tremendous and we are privilidged to have such expertiece on our team. With great precisoin and as if it was easy Johan has guided us into the Taurus mountains and made us feel safe to develop further. A beakon a ligth a luky gold star to have on board. You can contact Johan is you are a thru hiker and share information for this ancient road to the holy source.

Mecca Trail

Mecca Trail

Mecca Trail